Self-Study Process
In the summer of 2011, President Ray called for a comprehensive self-study that would engage the Oregon State community in examining equity, inclusion, and diversity efforts university-wide. This directive stemmed from President Ray’s recognition that particular organizational developments presented a timely opportunity to assess and transform our approach for greater effectiveness.
The scope and ambition of this process are unprecedented for the University. While there have been numerous evaluation and planning efforts related to equity, inclusion, and diversity, none has been as comprehensive or as engaging.
- Summer 2011: An initial "Thinking Group" helps to shape the objectives and recommend a process.
- Fall 2011: The Self-study Core Team begins the self-study process by drafting a proposed vision, conducting a review of promising practices at comparator institutions, examining what data the University should collect and analyze on an ongoing basis, and considering how the University should regularly assess the climate.
- Fall 2011-Winter 2012: The self-study team, the Office of Equity and Inclusion staff, and countless volunteers conduct numerous forums to engage with and obtain the perspectives of members of the University community.
- Spring-Summer 2012: The core team analyzes data and writes the self-study. The report reviews the framework employed by the self-study team, outlines the process for collecting qualitative and quantitative data, and identifies significant goals for the university to pursue. Additional information is also included as appendices.
Fall 2012: An outside team of experts reviews our conclusions and assess our institutional capacity to enact our vision and realize our goals.
Winter 2013: The self-study team prepares a final report that highlights key objectives for the university to pursue.
The self-study charge included articulating a vision of the preferred future of Oregon State as an equitable and inclusive university community, and a statement of Vision and Principles.
Key Institutional Objectives
Following the external review, the self-study team combined what was learned through the self-study with the assessment of our capacity in order to prioritize the most significant objectives to pursue related to each goal:
Dimension 1: Institutional and Individual Capacity
Description: The individual and institutional ability to plan, implement, and evaluate comprehensive equity, inclusion, and diversity work, including the human, intellectual, physical, and fiscal resources needed to support such work.
Institutional Goal: A robust capacity to plan, implement, and evaluate comprehensive equity, inclusion, and diversity work.
Key Objectives:
Establish Strategic Leadership Architecture - Establish a strategic leadership structure for institutional equity, inclusion, and diversity through the creation of a senior-level advisory council to prioritize objectives, shape institutional strategies, and monitor progress. Charge the council with recommending appropriate institutional leadership structures and approaches.
Increase Accountability and Monitor Progress - Increase commitment and accountability for equity, inclusion, and diversity by incorporating explicit and relevant expectations into position descriptions, monitoring progress, and recognizing and rewarding positive efforts.
Build Human Capacity - Implement multifaceted institutional and college specific efforts to diversify the university workforce at all levels with a specific focus on increasing the representation of groups historically underrepresented in the professoriate.
Dimension 2: Education, Scholarship, and Outreach
Description: The extent to which equity, inclusion, and diversity are incorporated into the University’s education, scholarship, and outreach efforts.
Institutional Goal: The University’s education, scholarship, and outreach efforts incorporate equity, inclusion, and diversity content and perspectives.
Key Objective:
Enhance Curriculum and Co-curriculum - Incorporate the principles and practices of equity, inclusion, and diversity into the culture and learning outcomes of undergraduate, graduate, and co-curricular programs; and strengthen and expand the existing Difference Power and Discrimination (DPD) program.
Dimension 3: Access and Success
Description: The equality of access to the University’s employment and educational programs, services, and activities; the performance, retention, and advancement of the university’s student, staff, and faculty populations; and the composition and success of communities served.
Institutional Goal: Equality in access and success for people of all backgrounds and abilities and a robust ability to address the needs of diverse communities.
Key Objectives:
Pursue Universal Access - Develop and implement a comprehensive five-year plan to realize the goal of universally accessible physical and virtual university environments.
Enhanced Student Success – Develop and implement a comprehensive five-year plan to monitor, improve, and equalize student academic success rates across racial and ethnic identity groups.
Dimension 4: University Climate and Sense of Community
Description: The type and quality of interactions among and between individuals and groups, the sense of community and belonging, and individual and group perceptions of institutional commitment to equity, inclusion, and diversity.
Institutional Goal: A climate of inclusion, collaboration, and care that appreciates and seeks diversity as a source of enrichment and strength, and is rooted in justice, civility, and respect.
Key Objective:
Assess University Climate - Establish a mechanism and process for regularly assessing the University climate and devising strategies to realize the shared goal of a climate of inclusion, collaboration, and care that appreciates and seeks diversity and is oriented to enhancing the success of all members of the university community.
Next Steps
In May 2013, President Ray formed and charged a new Leadership Council for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity.
Media Recording on the June 4, 2014 Climate Assessment Forum