Diversity Education

Finding Your Next Step 

Learning and development related to diversity, equity and inclusion is a lifelong journey. Oregon State University offers an array of resources and experiences to help you (1) set goals, (2) make a plan and (3) continue learning the necessary knowledge, skills and values to more meaningfully participate in our institution's social justice mission.  

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Faculty & Staff Resources

Getting Started

A History of Oregon, Its Communities, and OSU
Learn more about the history of Oregon and OSU and how this history impacts the diversity of Oregon and OSU today.

EOA Trainings
The Office of Equal Opportunity and Access provides training for all OSU community members on topics related to Accessibility, Affirmative Action and Equity in Hiring Practices, Sexual Harassment and Prevention, Discrimination, and Mandatory Reporting.

Human Resources Professional Development
The Office of Human Resources has recently launched a series of online training modules for faculty and staff which address the university's commitment to ensure a healthy, supportive and safe environment for all faculty, staff and students, including commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Going Deeper

Social Justice Education Initiative
The Social Justice Education Initiative (SJEI) consists of an interactive, workshop-based curriculum that invites all OSU faculty and staff members (including GTAs and GRAs) to begin, or continue, their learning regarding diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice.

Search Advocate Training
OSU's Search Advocate program enhances equity, validity, and diversity in university hiring. Search Advocates are OSU faculty, staff, and students who are trained as search and selection process advisors. Advocates' knowledge and skills are also valuable beyond hiring processes.

CTL Professional Development
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) provides a forum for discussions and hands-on, interactive activities on teaching and learning within a land-grant university and beyond. We offer learning opportunities based on current research and best practices for effective professional development. 

Deep Dives

Difference, Power and Oppression Academy
DPO courses engage students in the intellectual examination of the structures, systems and ideologies that sustain discrimination and inequity in society. The DPO Academy prepares teaching faculty to design and facilitate DPO designated courses. 

Leading Change
Leading Change prepares academic unit leaders—including deans, school directors and department heads—to effectively lead organization change, build diverse coalitions, facilitate organization learning and respond with care to community crisis.

Dialogue Facilitation Lab
The Dialogue Facilitation Lab is a professional learning seminar for faculty, staff and graduate assistants looking to integrate critical dialogue facilitation skills into their daily practice. Here you can learn facilitation skills relevant to teaching, research and administrative contexts.

Student Resources

Getting Started

Creating an Inclusive Community
As a way to continue to promote positive engagement and experiences among our students, OSU is now requiring new students to complete an on-line course, Creating an Inclusive Community, that focuses on OSU’s history and commitments to diversity and inclusion.

Diversity Learning Assistant program
The Community Relations Facilitator program in University Housing & Dining Services promotes inclusive and welcoming communities in the residence halls through facilitated workshops and programs. Facilitators are peer educators who work with student staff and student leaders.

Community Dialogues
Community Dialogues is a once-per-term series, which seeks to cultivate connection and deep learning through exploration of critical and contentious issues. Community Dialogues are open to all OSU community members and led by trained student facilitators.

Cultural Resource Center Programming
The Cultural Resource Centers (CRCs) provide opportunities for all members of the OSU community to learn about different cultures. Opportunities include history and heritage month programming, social justice workshops and cultural celebrations.

Going Deeper

Alternative Breaks
Alternative Break trips are centered on creating transformative, experiential learning experiences. Through these trips, students develop the capacity to lead social change and immerse themselves in a community to learn its historical, sociocultural and political background.

Difference, Power & Oppression Courses
Difference, Power and Oppression (DPO) courses engage students in the intellectual examination of the complex structures, systems and ideologies that sustain discrimination and the unequal distribution of power and resources in society.

Leadership Workshops
Community Engagement & Leadership offers a variety of workshops to help students become more intentional, self-aware and effective leaders during their time at OSU and beyond. By doing so, students will enhance their ability to create and advance positive social change both individually and collectively.

Find a Club or Organization
Search among hundreds of student organizations for opportunities to better yourself and the world. Many clubs and organizations create meaningful and diverse opportunities for leadership and involvement that cultivate positive social change.

Deep Dives

Social Justice Retreats
There are several immersive retreat experiences at OSU that support social change and promote a campus dialogue about race and racism: Racial Aikido, Multiracial Aikido, International Student Social Justice Retreat and Examining White Identity in a Multicultural World.

Social Justice Minor
The Social Justice minor is a set of interdisciplinary academic classes through which students think critically about local, national and international issues of social justice and engage the work of social justice through experiential activities. 

Office of Global Oppontunities
The OSU Office of Global Opportunities (OSU GO) advises students on study abroad, international internships and global research. Numerous opportunities are available, and the OSU GO team can help you learn how to take your education abroad!

The archives help preserve the histories and share the stories that document Oregon's African American, Asian American, Latino/a and Native American, and LGBTQ+ communities and their contributions to Oregon's identity; and are open to all OSU community members for inquiry.  

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