Inclusive Excellence Inventory

The Inclusive Excellence Inventory (IEI) is distributed to all academic and administrative units to accomplish three goals:

  • Gather data to measure progress related to the advancing the university's inclusive excellence mission and diversity strategic plan;
  • Provide an opportunity for units to reflect on their efforts to advance diversity, equity and inclusion; key accomplishments and areas for
    growth; and
  • Inform recommendations and allocation of resources to enhance college and unit-level diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.

Navigating the Inclusive Excellence Inventory

The Inclusive Excellence Inventory has two parts:

  • Part I will collect information to measure progress related to advancing the university's inclusive excellence mission and diversity strategic plan.
  • Part II will ask units to reflect on current unit-level diversity, equity and inclusion efforts to identify areas of strength and growth, and to provide feedback on how the Office of Institutional Diversity can best support ongoing and future efforts.

Instructions to Complete the IEI

A few important notes will help you complete the Inclusive Excellence Inventory (IEI):
  • Each unit will receive a unique IEI link. Use of this link will allow units to save their progress and return to the inventory as often as needed.
  • Each unit should identify a IEI lead. The lead team member will be responsible for coordinating collection of information stewarding completion of the IEI. The lead may be the unit leader, or another individual designated by the unit leader.
  • Team members within in a unit should be consulted to complete the IEI. The unique link may be shared with multiple individuals within a unit to complete the inventory.
Additional helpful notes:
  • Not all items apply to all units. For example, some items are only relevant to units directly serving students. Please write in or utilize the “not applicable” response for items not applicable to your unit.
  • Your unit may not collect data requested by some of items. This is okay and helpful for our office to better understand the availability of data. Please write in or utilize the “data not available” response for these items.
  • For a limited set of items, your unit may have provided similar information to other offices (i.e. regarding unit hiring practices as requested by the Equal Opportunity and Access Office). It is acceptable to use responses to these requests to respond to this survey

Questions and Requests for Assistance

If you have questions about the definitions of terms, please consult the definitions provided in the university’s diversity strategic plan, available here: 
If you have any questions about the survey, or require any assistance, please email  Teresita Alvarez-Cortez at teresita.alvarez-cortez <at>, or call 541-737-1063.

After Completing the IEI

The Office of Institutional Diversity (OID) will analyze submitted surveys to measure progress and assess areas of strength and growth for each unit and for the university as a whole. A report of progress and trends will be published on the OID website.

Inclusive Excellence Inventory results for colleges will also be shared with the Office of Academic Affairs and the Graduate School for purposes of completing Academic Unit Reviews.