Strategic Initiatives

The Office of Institutional Diversity (OID) plans, leads and collaboratively implements institutional change actions to advance Oregon State University's inclusive excellence mission.

This includes several strategic initiatives across the institution.

Exterior, Kelly Engineering Hall, features silver sculpture

At OSU, advancing equity is central to our land grant mission: to expand access to highter education, solve problems through research and innovation and enhance prosperity for every community across the state, and by extension the nation and world.

People crossing Memorial Union Quad; green grass and trees

Oregon State University is committed to creating and sustaining equitable and inclusive living, working and learning environments. One way the university advances this commitment is through regular assessment of university climate for students and employees.

linc quad

The guidance curated by OID strives to orient faculty, staff and students toward inclusive excellence and clarify how to integrate commitments of access, belonging and success in all university endeavors. 

Red stairway students walking up

President and Provost's Leadership Council on Inclusive Excellence (PPLC): The  PPLC is a university-level advisory group whose mission is to support the advancement of Oregon State University’s highest goals for diversity, equity and inclusion.

Equity Leaders Consortium (ELC): The ELC is a standing university-level group comprised of OSU employees with FTE dedicated to leading university and unit-level diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. 

Task Forces:

  • Minority-Serving Institutions Task Force
Sunshine on back of Weatherford Hall, with blue sky and green grass

The Inclusive Excellence Inventory is distributed to all academic and administrative units to gather data to measure progress related to the advancing the university's inclusive excellence mission and diversity strategic plan; provide an opportunity for units to reflect on their efforts to advance diversity, equity and inclusion; key accomplishments and areas for growth; and to inform recommendations and allocation of resources to enhance college and unit-level diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.

Sunlight through young trees

The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) is a Federal law passed in 1990. NAGPRA provides a process for museums and Federal agencies to return certain Native American cultural items -- human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony -- to lineal descendants, and culturally affiliated Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations.