Candidate Experience

Paying attention to the candidate’s experience throughout the recruitment to hire process will increase the likelihood of being able to hire the top candidate and will secure the reputation of the department and university as a great place to work.

  • Attention should be given to welcoming, equitable treatment of all candidates during throughout the process.
  • Standardization of the many components of the process, including campus visits will ensure equitable treatment of all.

Develop an information packet to share with each candidate prior to their arrival that includes detailed information about the campus community and regional area. For Corvallis campus positions, consider working with campus groups such as affinity groups and regional community groups within the major Mid-Willamette Valley region including Corvallis, Albany, Lebanon and Philomath to create an information packet that details campus and community life broadly. Develop similar geographically appropriate information packets for hires at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, the Cascades Campus in Bend and OSU Portland campus.

  • Include campus maps, websites for university resources and other information to help candidates navigate the campus more easily.
  • Provide information about university resources to help support work-life, family obligations across the life span and dual career options.
  • Collect regional information from sources such as the Downtown Association, Chamber of Commerce and School Districts.

Provide candidates with information about and facilitate connection to resources to help support work-life, family obligations and dual career options. Schedules should include opportunities to meet confidentially with the Work-Life Coordinator, Benefits Counselor and/or Family Resource Center Director to learn about work-life, dual career and dependent care resources.

  • Schedule these meetings for each candidate; many candidates are reluctant to share this kind of personal information with search committee members in fear of reducing their chances of hire.
  • Standardize formal and informal interview questions and conversational topics about personal lives to create a more equitable treatment of candidates.

Consider arranging a small group meet-and-greet with other recent diversity hires to provide additional welcoming support.

Provide information about and facilitate connection to university resources, organizations and affinity groups that create and support community, particularly among diverse populations. This can include scheduling time during the campus visit to speak with representatives from various groups such as the Association of Faculty and Staff for the Advancement of People of Color (AFAPC), the OSU Queer Professionals group, etc..

Prior to and during the candidate visit ask about specific interests and or needs. Listen carefully in order to understand what special needs or interests each candidate might have. This is in place of assuming candidate interests based on popular interest. Follow up with specific information and facilitate connection to information about special interests.

Prior to the campus visit, ask each candidate about needs, such as diet, dependent care, lactation, mobility, etc. Schedule ample break times into each candidate’s schedule that can be used for lactation, rest, personal correspondence, etc.

  • Make arrangements to secure appropriate accommodations.
  • Be sure that break times meet accommodation needs.