Report A Bias Incident

Submit a Bias Incident Report

After submitting a bias incident report, the Bias Response Team will evaluate the report and work collaboratively to develop an appropriate response. Responses include: providing care and support to community members negatively affected; learning more about the incident; engaging in educational conversations and interventions; providing access and referrals to campus resources; and coordinating efforts to restore individuals and groups negatively affected.

Bias incident reports can be submitted anonymously. The Bias Incident Team takes seriously all reports of bias incidents, however, its ability to investigate and respond to an incident may be limited if it is reported anonymously.

While the Bias Response Team will endeavor to maintain confidentiality, consistent with university policy and the law, details of the report may need to be revealed (including the identity of the reporter) in certain circumstances.

If you have questions about completing this report form or your reporting options, please contact the Office of Institutional Diversity at 541-737-1063.

If your immediate safety is at risk, if you are witnessing violence, or if you perceive imminent harm to yourself or others, please immediately dial 911.