Ways to Engage

Where Do I Start?

Looking for ways to participate in We Have Work To Do, but not sure where to begin? This page provides resources and opportunities to help connect you with our campaign and the important work of realizing OSU’s vision for diversity, equity and inclusion. If after reviewing these suggestions, you're still looking for ideas, consider reaching out to the Office of Institutional Diversity at [email protected] and a team member will connect with you to think about next steps.


Education of self and others is a valuable investment in realizing our goals for diversity equity and inclusion. Numerous learning opportunities exist within and beyond our institution. 

Internal: Sign up or encourage your colleagues to participate in workshops, seminars or other events hosted by one of our campus partners:

External: Explore your discipline, professional associations or consultants who specialize in your field and consider ways to facilitate travel for you and your colleagues or bring guests to the institution. 


Asking and answering meaningful questions about the climate and performance of all aspects of our institution is integral to our diversity, equity and inclusion vision. Consider exploring currently available assessment data or venture to design your own inquiry project. 

Explore available data: OSU collects climate data for students, faculty and staff every two years and administers a number of other inquiry projects which provide useful insight into the needs and experiences of our community. Reach out to inquiry partners to access and explore this information:

Design your own project: There’s much more to know about the needs and experiences of our community members. Consider working with in your unit, through consultation with our campus partners to design your own project.


Get involved or encourage the involvement of your peers in ongoing programs and activities throughout our institution. Consider attending programs or supporting the following:


Good work is likely underway in your unit. Consider using the energy of our campaign to emphasize or reintroduce projects and initiatives in your organization which advance the university's diversity, equity and inclusion goals. Consider:

  • Branding guest lectures or other events with the campaign
  • Engaging committees in the campaign
  • Use the themes from the campaign to develop your own programming


Help spread the work of the We Have Work To Do Campaign. In addition to word of mouth, you can support our work by leveraging your resources to connect as many people as possible with our campaign. Consider: 

  • Promoting WHWTD events through your organization's social media 
  • Distribute our printed campaign materials and “swag”
  • Encourage student, faculty and staff attendance to our lineup of events