Strategic Planning Process

Strategic Planning Process

The process to develop the strategic diversity plan during fall term 2017 and was led by the Office of Institutional Diversity and the Diversity Strategic Planning Committee.

Over two days, the Diversity Strategic Planning Committee met to conduct an in-depth analysis of current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and aspirations in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion. Guided by this analysis, the committee worked together to envision a future state of the university, and propose initiatives to advance diversity, equity and inclusion at Oregon State.

These goals were organized into a strategic plan by the Office of Institutional Diversity, and performance indicators were assigned to each goal. The Diversity Strategic Planning Committee, the President’s and Provost’s Leadership Council on Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice, and other key university stakeholders provided additional feedback.

The finalized strategic diversity plan was presented to President Ed Ray and Provost Ed Feser for approval.