Bill is a dean in the College of Education and he is preparing to set the agenda for the upcoming all-hands faculty and staff meeting. Over email, one of the faculty suggests an agenda item to discuss recent incidents of terror in Nigeria, which are targeting schoolgirls. In reviewing the request, Bill is confused and does not regard the events as a faculty and staff matter. Bill “replies all” to the team and asserts that the request was not germane to departmental business and asked that agenda items focus on issues directly affecting faculty, students and their administrative operations.
The same day the email was sent, one of Bill’s colleagues, Carina, stops in his office to share concerns about Bill’s email response. Carina shared her disappointment about the dismissive tone. Carina further asserted that the events in Nigeria were important to her and many others in the department. Carina contended that the terrorist acts were an assault on women’s rights to education. Carina also inquired whether Bill was aware that their college enrolled undergraduate and graduate students from Nigeria. He was not. Carina added that enrolling students from Nigeria was not a prerequisite for the incidents be a matter of departmental importance. Recognizing Carina’s anger, Bill apologizes and asks Carina what he can do to resolve the issue. Carina asserts that she expects Bill to do his own research and leaves his office.
Bill is stunned. He recognizes that he has upset his team, but he is still confused as to why and how he elicited such strong emotions. Bill consults with colleagues outside his department and seeks the guidance of his fellow deans. Through these conversations, he better understands the impact of his actions. Bill drafts a restoration plan and sends an email to his faculty.
Bill’s email to faculty begins with an apology that recognizes his dismissal and asserts that his behaviors were informed by his own ethnocentrism. In addition, Bill articulates his understanding of the issue and the impact of his decisions. Bill then details his recommendations for how the department may acknowledge the significance of the incidents for the college’s faculty, staff and students and provides resources and support. Bill links a draft of the email in a Google Doc and invites edits and comments to expedite his submission to the larger college. Bill shares that he intends to place the matter at the top of the next agenda. Lastly, Bill thanks Carina for her valuable and vulnerable confrontation and commits to not requiring similar confrontation to spur his consciousness in the future.
- The Issue: Bill does not recognize the impact of global events on his faculty and students, nor the relevance of the events to his college’s mission.
- The Deliberation: Bill is confronted by his colleague Carina and is tasked with facilitating his own consciousness and resolution for the impact he has had on his colleagues. Bill seeks guidance and support from colleagues outside of his college.
- The Growth: Bill recognizes the impact of his actions and better understands his colleagues’ responses. Bill is able to author his own process for resolution and develops a short-term plan to provide care for his colleagues and students.