Angela – Making Connections

Angela is an associate professor in industrial engineering. Her research agenda focuses on human interactions with the built environment. In the past year, Angela has been reading articles that discuss the incorporation of critical and multicultural inquiry frameworks in engineering research. Motivated by these concepts, she begins attending presentations at regional and national conferences that discuss similar ideas in an effort to make connections and find community.

Angela is disappointed that peers at her current institution do not share similar motivations, and she feels isolated in her pursuit of more critical and liberatory frameworks in engineering research. Angela feels she has exhausted her resources through self-study and professional development and she is ready to practice integrating concepts into her own research. Angela collects contact information for the authors of her favorite articles and the presenters from recent conferences and sends emails soliciting further conversation in hopes of forming a collaborative research project.

Key Take-Aways
  • The Issue: Angela is motivated to explore critical and multicultural frameworks in industrial engineering research and is looking for additional opportunities to learn.
  • The Deliberation: After exhausting her resources through self-study and professional development, Angela resolves to engage her own research agenda and pursue collaborations beyond her institution.
  • The Growth: Angela moves past her disappointment that her enthusiasm is not matched by her institutional peers and solicits partnerships by contacting authors and presenters she admires.